
The mission of the Hanover County Schools Visual Arts Program is to engage students in thinking creatively and solving problems in order to communicate visually in the 21st century. The universal language of art allows students to make connections and comprehend themes of expression around the world, past and present.

Art at PCES

Student with projectArt is about ideas. Before humanity used written language, people recorded thoughts through visual symbols. According to Ha'damard, J.(1.) both Aristotle and Einstein thought first in symbols and images when forming new ideas.

Art provides a unique way of knowing the world through various symbols. It is also a thread in the development of all cultures. Art requires discipline and motivation in order to stimulate the senses. Stimulation of the senses is the basis on which all learning relies, and it enhances opportunities for discovery, seeing, and expressing.

Students involved in visual thinking as a part of the educational experience have the opportunity to sharpen their perceptual awareness while responding personally to their environment, experience, imagination, and feelings. "Perceptual awareness is the ability to use imagery; to perceive objects in space; to use and to comprehend graphic language such as maps, blueprints, drawings, diagrams; to see visual order; to recognize beauty, symbols, excellence, and expression." (2.)

The PCES art curriculum teaches concepts in a systematic, sequential manner that reflect the Hanover County Standards of Learning. These standards incorporate the Virginia Standards as well as the National Standards of Learning. Through the study of these concepts, the student will develop the knowledge and skill needed for greater visual perception. This will lead to greater creative thinking and higher value judgments that will enhance potential in all fields of study, thus enriching life.

  1. Einstein, A. Quoted by Ha'damard,J. in The Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Field, Princeton University
  2. Art is Elementary - Teaching Visual Thinking Through Art Concepts, Cornia, Stubbs Winters, Peregrine Smith Books
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